Tuesday, June 30, 2009

everyday disarray

My mind is a whirling, swirling mass of confusion - lost in lists - befuddled with bills - googly-eyed by the lack of goods in my pantries and completely overwhelmed with the amount of stuff that is collecting in every corner of my house.

I had a wise friend once tell me that when you get to this state of mass overload of mind-numbing "everyday disarray" - take a breath and shove your lists aside. Instead, do three things that make you feel like you have accomplished something. They don't have to be big, or complete, or even important to anyone but you.

Here are mine today:

  1. Complete a procedure document at work. CHECK
  2. Go swimming with my kids and husband. CHECK
  3. Finish the load of laundry I have washed twice. CHECK
As much as we depend on lists (both the mental and physical kind) - it's just overwhelming to know that you'll never be ok with the progress you have made until you don't mind making a little progress and calling it good.

For my digi-scrap friends, check out my two newest items in my shoppe!

1 comment:

  1. Danielle, I love these kits. I have been a color junkie as of late and look at what you have for me! Awesome!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!