Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stacks of stuff

Inspired by the notion that I am surrounded by stacks of paperwork, stacks of laundry waiting to be put away, and stacks of mental to-do's that I completely overwhelming me - I decided to put my time to good (mis)use and work on creating a digital layout that uses the idea of stacks.

How can you incorporate a positive use of your stacks? Could you spend some time recyling paper? How about donating that stack of magazines to your local hospital waiting room? A stack of old paperback books Cut out fun phrases with your kids and have them create their own poetry with that stack of old paperback books (AND you can use the covers to create some very cool bookmarks).
The stacks of laundry - hmmm, anyone have anthing creative to do with it? It's all about balancing the fun and not so fun stuff - so get that everyday creative thing going today!

For my digital scrapbook friends - Check out the newest Design it Forward Collaboration - Urban Spring - available today at ScrapArtist!

1 comment:

  1. Your layout is gorgeous, Danielle and I love the photo too. This urban spring kit is sooooo cool!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!