Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Could you really sleep here?

Could you really "sleep" in any of these rooms? I would just like to visit them all, I wonder if they have a price for a tour. :)

Hotel Fox, Copenhagen, Denmark

Composed of 61 rooms designed and decorated by 21 artists and groups, Hotel Fox takes art, urban living, and personal expression to a whole new level. Some of our favorites are the blue-and-yellow-checked masterpiece by Miami designers Friendswithyou; the playful expanse of aqua walls crafted by France’s Antoine et Manuel; the stark black-and-white words and statistics from E-Types of Denmark; and France’s Genevieve Gauckler's graphic space that literally commands guests to “SLEEP!” Rooms start at $165.

1 comment:

  1. I love hotels like this! We have stayed at this place outside of Portland, Oregon and each room is painted by a different artist!

    danielle d


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!