Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I must say I passed along some excellent genetics to my kids but for some reason - my artsy/crafty gene must be recessive - neither kid loves to fiddle with the arts like me.
Lauren and I randomly decided that we should make monsters out of all things fun in my scraproom along with a significant shopping cart full of material.
Each of us made our own rendition of a monster or Kermudgeon (yes, we like the "K) as we have decided to call them and because I am the entrepreneur that I am - I had to make each of them into their own little digital kit!
What do you do to bond with your kids when they don't like to do what you do? have you ever been surprised by something you have in common - something that took a while to discover?

1 comment:

  1. Incredibly cute and it is neat to know the creative process behind the product, too! I have a little "monster" this will be perfect to scrap with. Off to purchase!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!