Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Moxie Fab World Challenge

Who's ready for Christmas time? Well, at least the craft stores are....yikes. Here's a little ditty (3"x6") for the Moxie Fab World Blog. The challenge was to create something graphical, clean, lots of white space. I maintained the white space, but opted to fill some of it with textures, the swiss dots on the card, and then the score lines to mimic the angles of the tree. The ribbon is angled in the same fashion as the tree for continuity. Simple, but well-worth making. Merry Christmas to one and all!!! ;) JK


  1. Great shape and wonderful idea to mimic the lines of the tree!

  2. what a wonderful card with the embossed background!

  3. Love this fun shaped cards and all your angles! super design on this!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!