Tuesday, August 11, 2009

surrounded by talent: alicia (my sister)

everyday danielle: I consider myself to be pretty darn crafty. Give me a pile of stuff and I'll make something pretty for you. I love color, I love projects, I love creating things that make me smile.

While I could brag about the crafty hall of fame thing, or my stickers for a certain company that Ali E. loved (seriously, a super-duper shiny hi-light in my crafty life) - I won't (because, quite frankly it makes me squirm to do so).

I would rather talk about my family and friends that inspire me. So, without further rambling on my part - I would love to introduce you to my equally (if not more so) crafty sister, Alicia. She, until recently held the enviable position of Concept Designer for Stampin' Up! and now plays at home full-time with her three super cute kids. She has been published about a bazillion times and keeps coming up with inspiration in an envelope! What can I say, she rocks the stamps and is so stinkin' fun to be around. Check out her blog and give her big smooches for me!


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Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!