Sunday, September 27, 2009

Caardvark's Sketch Challenge Round-up

Well, that's all folks. Here is my personal round-up of my attempts at the Caardvark's 7 day sketch challenge. It's been fun! (there are nine, because I had two cards for two of the days), there I go, overachieving, or is it slightly compulsive? Anyhoo, it's fun to look back on them all, they are old friends of sorts. A BIG thanks to everyone who stopped by with a word or two of encouragement.

{Note: You can click on the picture to go to the original post}


  1. Oooh, I love seeing this overview of all your cards! Gorgeous work!

  2. Seeing them all together makes me love them even more ... pure sketchfest magic.

  3. Awesome round-up. Great idea. I will have to remember this. I just love those little sunshines you make. So fun!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!