Tuesday, September 1, 2009

a frivolous/creative purchase is in my future

I used to think that there was simply nothing better than a big new box of Crayola Crayons. You know the one with the built in sharpener in the back? Colors like periwinkle, cornflower and cerulean.


Although I loved the smell of the wax, the feel of the construction paper wrapper and the flip back cover, my favorite part of a new box of crayons was the limitless creativity it held for me. I learned about color and how to organize palettes. I figured out how to shadow objects with gentle pressure. I realized that patience is a creative virtue. And, most importantly I learned that I am definitely a blank paper-draw outside of the lines girl.

I stumbled on this site that showcases some amazing sets of colored pencils and my love for color and art was instantly renewed. Who wouldn't love a crisp white counter-top with a set of these bad boys? AND- who wouldn't have fun arranging them into perfect color happiness!


You HAVE to check out the site SOCIAL DESIGNER...each colored pencil has a name and each name has a story. There is also a monthly subscription for the pencils and I am seriously considering it - just don't tell Scott.

For my design friends, if you would like to geek out on the names (and even the RGB's) of all of your favorite crayons, you can find it here!

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Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!