Friday, September 11, 2009

Grafitti art and my little lacrosse monkey

So, my dear digifriend, Christine Honsinger has got to be one of the most talented girls I know and has an absolute heart of gold to match her talent. I so admire her for staying true to her vision but taking the time to branch out just enough to take my breath away with every kit she makes.
Sometimes the hardest thing for me to do as an artist is to not get caught up in creating what other artists have designated as popular. KWIM? Christine and a handful of other artists in my life consistently help me stay true to my often wonky course. They offer me a shoulder to cry on, a positive spin on a bleak outlook, and, most importantly they encourage me to be me. They consitently share the creative love with me, and although I haven't met most of them in person, I consider them some of my best friends. (Alicia, you are certainly included in this group!)
What is your creative struggle and who do you count on to help you feel like the fabulous artist that you are? Share with us, we love to know what you are up to!

Oh, the layout is made with Christine Honsinger's (Fiddlette) new kit, Graffitti Girl at her shoppe at ScrapArtist today! And as a sidenote, don't you think Lauren looks like a little monkey from the Wizard of Oz in this?! That's pretty stinkin' funny.


  1. Love the layout.... very complex and happy at the same time. And she does look like one of those monkeys! Haha! Creative struggle? When isn't it a struggle? The ugly-beautiful process of creating is a maddening and rewarding all at the same time.

  2. You are precious! Your words really touch me deeply, thank you, dear friend! :)
    And you know what I think of this stunning page...fantastic. It belongs on the cover of Somerset!

  3. That page rocks Danielle~ And what an awesome tribute to Christine.

  4. I LOVE this LO Danielle ! It's so cool. You are so creative, i just love it that you and Christine and other artists have your own style ! You are real ARTISTS and never doubt that ! You are the one to inspire us !

  5. I LOVE this layout. Totally unique and creative! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

  6. YOU have inspired ME in so many ways and i thank you for that. from the get go i have loved your design style and you ability to use words the way you do. i'm also a huge fan of your doodles too! now with regards to Christine, my oh my; she found herself and it shows in her one-of-a-kind creations. both of you girls have a style that is truly ALL YOUR OWN and i admire that.

    for me, my creative struggles are 1. using colors that i'm not drawn towards, 2. when doing something new, wondering if it's good and 3. managing my time.


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!