Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hip NOT to be Square

So I had this "brilliant" idea, let's play with cards that start-out standard size, but I alter them in some way. Here is my first effort. I actually think it is super cool. So did my 14 year old Meagan, she even smiled and giggled when she noticed it was slanted. I have achieved greatness in her eyes!!!! At least for now. The flower is it's own little piece of awesomeness, brought to my attention by my uber-talented sister Danielle Donaldson. a.k.a. CK 2005 Hall of Famer, Scrapbook Product Designer and currently a Super-Awesome Digi Product Designer. Check out her stuff on ScrapArtist.

I made several of these flowers for her, I will link you up when I see what she has done with them. Can't wait!


  1. I love this card, especially the flower. How cool! I think I can see how you made it. What a great idea! I really like the center. What is it?

  2. You are so talented. I love the flower. What a brilliant idea. :)


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!