Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy (world card-making) Day! MacGyver Style

Don't be shocked. I actually started making cards about a 100 or so years ago so my little creative card ditty was pretty fun and a bit nostalgic. Alicia inspired me to make a card and I hope to inspire you to think out of the box with my process today.

To begin with, I was actually quite irritated that I couldn't even sit down at my scrap desk as it was such a mess - I was almost done cleaning (and cursing) when I thought, "Hey, Danielle - why don't you only use what is on your desk to make a card?" (And yes, I speak to my creative self in third person.) I replied with a smile, "Piece of cake, Danielle"

So here it is, in all of it's wacky glory. I took a stack of photos from Lauren's prom (I think they actually had dust on them!) and created this little mini card album. And I didn't even pull out my paper trimmer - I had scissors on my desk so that's what I used.

Double-bonus with this project. I used stuff I would have just stuck in a bin - never to see the light of day again! Heck, I even cut out words from an ad for a chandalier that I fell in love with, oh, about a year ago!

Your (and Alicia's and whoever is at her house making cards with her) challenge - do what I did (I know you have a messy desk just like me) and create a card MacGyver style. Are you up for it? Alicia will add your name to her fabulous prize drawing that she posted yesterday. (Please see the post below to add your name to the proverbial bucket.)

Have fun-I can't wait to see what you have up your creative sleeves!


  1. What a brilliant idea to create! Love it so much!
    I used up my scrappy stuff too! but it all thrown under my desk ;) LOL! I'll probably be posting pics tomorrow on how messy I get when I create 10 cards in 3 days! LOL! Not a pretty sight!
    Happy WCMD :*)
    ~ margie

  2. This is beautimus, lovarly, awetastic!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!