Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ruffles. Ruffles?

Ruffles. Ruffles? Do I do ruffles? Here is my ante for the latest
MoxieFab challenge.
I've been thinking of what my "style" is.
How do I like to paper craft?

I think I have resolved myself to three things:

1. Color -
Color is my main inspiration for anything. I tend to like kinda "odd"
combinations, I prefer to call them eclectic.

2. Clean Lines -
I adore a perfectly straight line. There is something so comforting and
reassuring about neatness. I can't perfect it in my life, but I can apply it
to cards with a good straight edge and a sharp cutting tool.

3. Simple with a Twist -
I always like to switch it up. There will always be a sense of
surprise in everything I make. It will usually be how I have used
a particular tool or combination of things. Not obvious to the
viewer, but something I discovered on my own.

If you could define your paper/digi crafting style
with three things, what would they be?


  1. Love the ruffles - I'm going to try that! Thank you for the inspiration!

    Three things to describe my style:
    - preppy (yes - I grew up in the late 70s early 80s!)
    - clean
    - loving

    Does that make sense?!

  2. So pretty! I love the clean design! :)

  3. Very cool card! I don't know... I'm into clean and simple cards with a little bit of a twist. À la Kristina Werner I guess. For example I love seeing layered cards but I when I'm creating I don't like to use many layers myself. My friends always say "Nina style" when they see something they're sure I will love (bows, buttons, pretty things) but I don't know how they define that :) Best wishes from Germany!

  4. Love the ruffles. You are such a great inspiration! Can't wait to be able to actually do something with it. :)

  5. Hi Alicia, Thanks for your comment on my blog! Your card is gorgeous! Love your style :)


  6. Great design!! Love the stamp :)


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!