Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sibling Rivalry Challenge: Things that don't go together

once upon a time
on a far away lake so blue
an amazing boy became
king of the world
Who says boy layouts can't be pink? One of my favorite photos of my kids... Clay and Lauren climbed up on the ski bar on our boat and shared the glory of the sun, the water and everything around them. Don't be afraid to use those stunning "girly" kits for the men in your life. Show their soft, super yummy sides through color and element choices!

I hope some of you will take Alicia's challenge for me and turn it into something beautiful for you!

PS- If you are loving these papers and elements, they are all from a collaboration with Rachel Young and ecclectic by Gabi at ScrapArtist - You can get it here!

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Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!