Friday, November 13, 2009

For You

Don't forget about this today. If you are interested in the real purpose, look here. If you want to read some facts, look here.

The lyrics below are from the Barenaked Ladies Album, Everything to Everyone. It's an amazingly personal and powerful song to me and I thought I would share.

I have set aside everything I love
I have saved everthing else for you
I cannot decide what this doubt's made of
Though I thought over it through and trough

In a book in a box high upon a shelf
In a locked and guared vault
Are the things I keep only for myself
It's your fate but it's not your fault

And for every useless reason I know
There's a reason not to care
If I hide myself whereever I go
Am I every really there?

There is nowhere else I would rather be,
but I just can't be right here
An enigma wrapped in a mystery,
or a fool consumed by fear

I will give you all I could ever give
Though it's less that you will need
Could you just forget, if you can't forgive
All the things I cannot concede

And for every useless reason I know
There a reason not to care
If I hide myself wherever I go
Am I ever really there?


  1. D - I love this layout and your message. Beautiful!
    xoxo N.

  2. Just wanted to say that it was TWLOHH Day Yesterday here in Australia and I had the kids doing it too .. we got to inform a few people also! Thanks for pointing it out to me so we could do it! :)

  3. love those words! thanks for sharing sweet danielle. miss you!

  4. okay.....SOOOO excited...i got home last night to find a box of sugar waiting for me!!! i LOVE it!!!!!!!! thank you thank you thank you.........good lyrics!
    thank you for sharing and thank you for sharing your beautiful creations that you and Kelly B. did - you are SO awesome Danielle!!!
    do we live far from one another???? i would love to figure out a way some of us could get together!

  5. Oops. I'm a day late. Wish I'd heard about it sooner.

    That's one of my favorite BNL songs.

  6. Your journey is taking you through deep and insightful paths... may all that is good continue to bring joy and encouragement on your sojourn.

  7. hey you!!! left you a little something on my blog today...check it out!!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!