Monday, December 14, 2009

spontaneous craftiness

While reorganizing my disaster area of a work space - I decided to throw this little goody together. I had gotten the metal box at an antique store and have had it for years - it's sturdy and pretty - but I needed to clean up some stuff on my desk...

(like the test silk rose that I made for Lauren's dress last year, stones and starfish from my recent trip to Manzanita, OR and some cool vintage buttons I bought last month on a whim) this is what came of it. Thought about selling it for about a minute. But I heart it and I'm keeping it! Such a great way to display some sentimental stuff - I will be reminded of good things every time I look at it - who cares that it is already filled with a bazillion to-do's and to-file's!


  1. making things for ourselves is a very good thing. yep. love the energy of this post. :)


  2. very cool.

    how did you get everything to stick on the box?


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!