Tuesday, January 5, 2010

the ugly stage, creating a different kind o' light, and...

...just chugging along. Kelly Rae taught me that every masterpiece has an ugly stage and the trick is to work through it, around it or (more often than not, over it - like white paint over it).


this one has had more than one ugly stage and I have worked through all of them - but what I am stumped about right now (like this very minute) is how do you work through some-parts-are-ugly and some-parts-are-stunning and how do I make them meet in the middle?


and I had another a-ha moment (this one is for you Liz). Light is not just about surrounding yourself in loving, glowing and peacful light- it's about feeling that light within and the tremendous power it has to LIFT YOU UP. (I hope to translate that epiphany with this little bit of art love.)

The need to be grounded is so important to me (hello, like all the time - cement feet - don't move or else) but I think it's time to feel less grounded and well, lighter. (No fat jokes, puh-lease!)

(This blog post is dedicated to my friend, Kelly who thinks I should quit my day job and just write babble like this all day!)


  1. the balance of the grounded while being (in the) light. a very good thing to explore my dear. love it.

    love reading about you working through the ugly phases. yep. right now i am trying to do that in my everyday life and not just when creating...


  2. i just have guilt about quitting my day job. i want others to follow so i don't look so selfish and lazy...hee. see i am still selfish.

  3. d...i am trying to look really closely and see what the heck you are talking about? i DON"T see any ugly meeting all the stunning.
    maybe ugly is part of fear. maybe ugly is in one's mind. i would snag this painting up in a heartbeat because, to me, it's ALL amazing.
    your ugly, may be someone else's LOVELY!
    something to think about. maybe that's why you are stumped.
    p.s. are you coming to az still?

  4. Here's to finding the light within and keeping it glowing! I'm with Chrissy - what ugly part???

  5. and i am following along with the ever so wise Chrissy and the ever so wise Patty.

    What the hell are you talking about?????

    UGLY????? WHA??????

    I THINK NOT!!!
    beautiful, stunning, detailed, super creative, love the message it is sending.....no ugliness at all!

    i agree with the "time to feel less grounded and well, a little lighter"....let me know how that's done, wlll ya?!?!


  6. oh by the way...the word i had to type when i sent my first post was "rocked"....which is EXACTLY what you did with this painting...


  7. yeah danielle. WTF? i do agree with everyone else who commented and mostly about rockin' it and stunning and glowing and light and grounded and quitting your blinkin' day job. love

  8. if it helps, I will tell you that I am leaving my day job at the end of April. (not for art, but still .. :)

    I have a painting that is stuck in the ugly stage. And it has been there so many times that I feel rather helpless .. so there it sits .. waiting .. I just don't think I can take another coat of white. :)

    Grounding is good. I need more of it. But yes, I like thinking about the light inside - emanating outside! (And I love this painting!)


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!