Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Happy Little Accident

I used a little bit of everything on my desk for this card...
  • The heart was left from my son's school party invites.
  • The green piece was from a note I added to one of the prizes from our 10,000 Celebration that I mailed.
  • The "u" was totally meant for another card altogether.
  • As was the kraft dotted paper.
All in all, it's a happy little accident.


  1. Wowza!! This is WAY cute!! Love it!

  2. I love this card. Love how you layered everything. I always rationalize the girly-ness of a card by the fact that I am a girl. I can't help making my cards for the men in my life a little girly.

  3. This card is absolutely perfect! I love that it is made with stuff from on your desk!

    I really like the cool fold-top-scalloped-ness of it. :)

  4. Hi Alicia. Your cards are still the best--hands down! And I just left you a message so I'm commenting here to make sure you see or hear one or the other. Let's do next week....I will be in touch!

  5. Fantastic layout and design! I love it and it's SO perfect as a masculine Valentine!!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!