Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fabric Flowers - Japanese Style

The book is called Kanzashi in Bloom. It's really cool. I borrowed it from the library... but I may need to have it in my personal library. This is probably my 4th try, I think I have the little nuances down. Now just practice, practice, practice!

Kanzashi are beautiful Jampanese flowers created by folding small squares of silk into petals and them gluing them together. This one is not the traditional type, but super cute, nonetheless.

I will be adorning headbands, purses, bags, and whatever else I can think of. That is, until I get tired of making them. ;P


  1. *Adds Kanzashi in Bloom to list of library requests.*

  2. I'm number six in line. Ho hum.

  3. Dang it. Must you add to my book list.
    Fab flower, enabler. Er... Alicia. ;)


  4. Oh, I love it! I'm totally going to see if my library has this book now!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!