Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Lost Art of Letters

This morning, my 6-year-old's Girl Scout Daisy troop met at the local post office for a tour. It was quick (it's a small town with a small post office), but it reminded me how writing letters and mailing notes is rare these days. It's too easy and convenient (and fast) to zap a friend an email, comment on their Facebook page, or text them on their cell phone.

When was the last time you received a letter in the mail? It's a rare day that something other than a bill or a magazine arrives in my mailbox. But when I do happen to get a card or a letter from a friend or family member, it just thrills me. It puts a bounce in my step and makes me smile the rest of the day. There's something much more personal about a hand-written letter than a typed email. That's something that I don't think will ever change.

So do someone a favor. Grab a pen, grab some paper or a notecard, and jot them a short (or long) note. Put it in an envelope, slap a stamp on it, and actually mail it. I guarantee you, it will make that person's day. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I could not agree more with you on this! I have made it one my goals for 2009 to send more cards and letters because I think it has become obsolete and I want my kids to see that this should not be the case! I want to lead by example where they are concerned and I know they feeling I get when there is something other than a dreaded bill in the mail for me!
    Danielle, I will be attending Be Present in the fall as well - CANNOT WAIT! I am glad you posted your blog site!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!