Thursday, October 29, 2009

a little (mini-mom) love...

Needless to say, the last few weeks have been full of change: in seasons, in location, in motivation, in focus, but most importantly, change of heart.
I know I am not the only one to struggle with allowing myself the opportunity to grow personally because as a wife, daughter, boss, worker, and most importantly mom - I needed to keep my priorities straight. (I know you know what I mean! Yeah, YOU!)

Well, funny thing happened on my stunning journey of the soul at the unearth retreat in manzanita, oregon. I need to be me. Not a mom, a wife, a coworker... me. (And this is the funny part) When I take the time to value time, energy and creativity for myself - I am a better (and much more smiley) person for everyone else.

Huh, who would've thought it was that simple.

But I digress, after this life-altering affirmation of ME - I discovered something else. The only way to honor my true self is by surrounding myself as much as possible (because I learned later in the week that other people can suck you dry of self-love in a BIG hurry-but that's another story) with like-minded, creative souls is my only (and very clear) path (like paved in gold-bricks, not dusty and weed-filled) to my personal happy place.

In other words, I NEED MINI-MOMS.

I need to be accepting of love in all forms from women in my life. I need to ask for love directly. I need to share love and know that it won't be misused. I need ask for help, guidance and advice. I need to know that when I am feeling like I am not worthy of attention, there is someone that will make me a grilled-cheese sandwich, pull out a coloring book and sit right next to me and tell me what an amazing artist I am.

I need Liz to make that sweet "mmmmm" sound when she listens to me.
I need Serena go on beer/wine runs and do amazing backflips that make me smile.
I need Kelly B. to make me yummy baked apples and tell me it's never too late.
I need Elizabeth to tell me that I actually have a light and people can see it.
I need Lisa to remind me that I am not alone (and make me laugh and laugh and laugh)
I need Marilyn to hug me like only a mom can (sigh-that's nice)
I need Kelly Rae to show me how to share my gifts and know that it is the right thing to do
I need Chrissy to jingle her sunshiney self into the room and tell me that I should be writing exactly this kind of stuff.
I need Andrea to remind me to be true to myself by knowing that my choices should reflect what I want (need) in my heart .
I need Vivienne to remind me of the value of discovering what is right in front of me and seeing it with new eyes.

I could do this fourteen more times but my husband is starting to look at me in a very odd way as I am crying and typing and need to be at work in 10 minutes. Sheesh.

Who the heck is going to embrace this new, sappy side? It's here to stay. I created a bit of art to celebrate my new and improved outlook to celebrate someone in my life that has given me love like only a mom can and asked my sister (and mini-mom) to create a card with it. Take the time to let someone know how you appreciate them.

Really. It will make you smile.

I need mini-moms, do you?


  1. i soooooooooooooo need mini-moms!!!
    your post is beautufiul Danielle...raw and real. i love it and i loved hearing about your discovery of you!
    all my love,

    btw...your card ROCKS!!
    love it

  2. oh danielle, you beautiful sweet shining stunning soul. your words and the feelings behind them are priceless gifts. you said it all and amaze me with your insight. yep, we all need mini moms and aint it great that there were a horde of them in that one beautiful spot on the oregon coast. serendipitous. (lizendipitous?)

  3. what! serena does back flips? how on earth did i miss that. this is a lovely love note, miss!

  4. and now i am crying....

    this beautiful "sappy" side of you....hmmm...what i see is a brave, open, honest woman walking her path. yes. thank you for sharing these pieces of you. thank you. (because in your sharing, i know, i am not alone in my own needs.)

    sending light and blessings to you dear girl...

  5. that is a great post..I love what you wrote..I also really like your cards there beautiful.

  6. i had to re-read it .. and now i am crying again.

    this is so raw and real and beautiful.

    thank you for you.

  7. Greetings my fellow mini-mom. Ha! love the name. Thanks for sharing this and opening yourself up to being the you that you want to be. I have found myself struggling immensely as I find myself getting drawn into the "me" I was before the retreat. The thing I felt so profoundly while being at the coast, was that I really was getting back in touch with me. The silly, happy, open me. I loved that and vowed to do whatever it took to maintain and nurture that. I haven't been too successful with that yet, but I'm working on it and the seeds have been planted so I will continue to water and feed and give them light so I can thrive. I might need some weed killers along the way but that's okay cause I know my flowers are stronger than those pesky weeds. And that I have new friends that will help and encourage me along the way. Wishing I could sit and the table with you and share some vino and conversation. Miss that and you, my super-de-duper friend. take care and congratulations on taking those first small steps.

  8. Great post. I love the mini-mom need. Is that a stamp or a card you created in the digi world. It's beautiful.

  9. I LOVE this post! I'm a couple months behind...but catching up with you all. :)


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!