Tuesday, November 3, 2009

this is what I know to be true

today, I know that...

happy teengirl+party twirling=dislocated knee
messy desk+overwhelming deadlines=unmotivated morning person
dirty bathtubs+hair glitter=an hour of scrubbing
tmj+everything above=an unwelcome headache

all in all, I know that...

asking for help+taking time to breathe=is a must
taking my time+not requiring perfection=will take the weight off my shoulders
setting boundaries+realistic expectations=a happier me

and most importantly,

kind words+gentle love=a better day than imagined in this moment


  1. talented artist+insightful spirit=you my dear new friend

  2. stopping to breathe every time you are touched = a moment of calm...a kind friend once told me that not too long ago!! :)
    i heart this post...hope your daughter's pain is lessening!

  3. I think lows exist so that highs are that much sweeter. Definitely a good thing to stop when life bursts at the seams. Deadlines can wait. You take care of yourself first.


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!