Thursday, November 5, 2009

holy bananas, batman!

I have nothing brilliant to say today - nothing magical, witty or philisophical. Nothing. My sparkly new creative path has some significant weeds due to lack of personal TLC.

Tonight is art night. I refuse to get caught up in work before pleasure - the weeds can wait.

My inspiration? The wacky talented, brussel sprout eating, swimmingly beautiful Kelly Barton and her blog, Camp Indigo.

Check out the stuff she is working on, forget the things you HAVE to do for a little smidge and love yourself with a bit o' art.


  1. i love this post!!!
    i love your description of the oh so lovely Kelly B.!! She is quite an inspiration.
    Can't wait to see what creation you come up with next!!

  2. you crack me up! and thank you for the sweet shout out. i truly appreciate your support and love!
    you better be painting!


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!