Monday, November 16, 2009

a little love award

One of my newest artistic soulmates, Kolleen  has been sweet enough to give me a blog award! Part of accepting this award is letting you in a a few unknown little tidbits about me.

 7 odd little things about danielle:
  1. I really don't like it when people brush and floss their teeth in a public bathroom. Ewwww.
  2. I wear plain colored shirts because patterns conflict with my already busy face.
  3. I love the beach as long as I can feel the sand in the water and out. - And secretly wish to learn to surf - but my visual side of my brain can picture myself to clearly and I am pretty sure I would look like a dork
  4. I am always looking for scary clowns to POP out of storm drains (thank you Stephen King)
  5. I was supposed to marry Donny Osmond (shhh, Kelly - I know you know this but it's funny) My grandmother told be he would wait for me.
  6. I really wanted to be a wine label designer, then a childrens book illustrator  - now just a happy,super smiley, content artist.
  7. I would love more than anything to have an art studio coop just around the corner with all of my friends smiling and getting all artsy with me.
Now I would like to pass on this lovely award to these creative blogs...each inspirational to me in a different way.

Nominations from moi:

Vivienne McMaster: Stunning words and photos
Aja Abney: the Beautiful Life
Pieces of Pretty: Laurie Ann Anderson
{creative spirit} Nancy Rowe Janitz
Joy Revisited: Heather
Retinal Perspectives: Elizabeth
Planet Alien: Allison (in hopes that I can get her to share her humor and writing again!!)

If you have been nominated, to accept this award do the following:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
  2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
  3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
  4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
  5. Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.
  6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
  7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.


  1. i am honored. thank you. you inspire me!

  2. Your #4 cracks me up because he's pretty much the reason I hate clowns now! Oh, and that clown in the little boy's room in Poltergeist.



Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!