Tuesday, November 17, 2009

truely a new way to wear your heart on your sleeve

digi-love from me. I am very focused on staying focused - little reminders and bits of love for myself right now. this captured memory is an amazing exercise that Andrea Scher (check out her stunning jewelry, too!)led at my unearth retreat. Andrea and Kelly Rae painted words of spirit - brushed on our skin to wear as a reminder to be open to what we need, want and most importantly ARE.

so delightful to see so many women embrace this artfullness that was offered to us - some went to the beach to take self portraits, others wandered into town to grab coffee and chat - what an amazing and thoughtful adventure.

if you are one of my digi-lovlies, head over to Laurie Ann's shoppe at ScrapArtist to grab the Fall Wonder Complete Kit today for 20% off. xoxoxo to LA!


  1. i so loved that day!!!!
    always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside when i think of it!!!
    thank you.

  2. me too. me too. i loved that day as well. i was surprised how emotional i got as sweet kelly rae painted on me!
    i miss you danielle. how do i become one of your digi-lovlies? i WANT your stuff!

  3. If I saw a painting in a gallery that looked like that background, I think I could die right then and be happy. Well, I'd be happier if I could take it home and have it on my wall. But you know what I mean.

  4. i want to be a digi-lovlie...
    please, please, pretty please?!?


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!