Saturday, January 30, 2010

10,000 Hits Celebration: Day Five

Here we are, after four days of nurturing others and ourselves in small but meaningful ways, I'm ready to do more! Aren't you? Well then, lucky for you we have one last challenge for all you lovely, giving people who have taken the time to stop by.

As far as a prizes go, let's see..... I just got the most wonderful jumbo monogram stamp set and I would love to make some personalized cards just for one winner. You can even pick the color(s)!

Some Ides I found of Acts of Service:

1) Take in your neighbor’s trash cans even if they are able, but especially if they are not.
2) Water your neighbor’s garden.
3) Take in a stray animal.
4) Volunteer at a women’s shelter.
5) Create a food drive at your office.
6) Donate school supplies to a needy family.
7) Bring hot meals to the homeless living on the street.
8) Send an anonymous card to a coworker who you know is experiencing a rough time in life (enclose a gift such as tickets to the movies or ball game, certificate for a massage or spa day—anything to uplift them).
9) Pay for a friend or stranger’s dinner.
10) Pay for a friend or family member’s car repair if they are in financial difficulty.
11) Hire a mobile car wash service to clean a co-worker’s car.
12) Befriend a co-worker who others shun or dislike (ever seen the show Ugly Betty?).
13) Volunteer at a nursing home.
14) Volunteer at the YMCA.
15) Volunteer at your church.
16) Volunteer at someone else’s church.
17) Randomly pick a person’s home and deliver a card with a gift.
18) Send a gift and thank you card anonymously to the fire or police department, emergency staff at the
local hospital or military reserve unit.
19) Stop and help a stranded motorist.
20) Bring foul weather gear to the homeless during a storm.
21) Give a gift to flight attendants.
22) Help someone with their groceries.
23) Wipe down the restroom sink in a restaurant or other public restroom.
24) Write letters of support to military personnel servicing overseas.
25) Send a care package to military personnel.
26) Give a gift to the maid service next time you stay in a hotel.
27) Take a grocery cart from the parking lot into the store as you walk in. 
28) Offer free study courses, teach someone something.
29) Feed and transport the elderly.
30) Be part of a disaster relief group that prepares meals, cleans up properties, builds or remodels homes .
31) Build houses.
32) Teach someone something you are skilled in.
33) Volunteer your expertise to the elderly, young, disabled, etc.
34) Just listen to someone who needs an ear to speak to.
35) Drive the elderly to doctor appointments, grocery store, etc.
36) Plant trees in the community.
37) Buy or make a meal for someone who is lonely.
38) Bake cookies and give to someone—just because you care.
39) Cut the grass or trim the trees of a neighbor who can’t do it.
40) Do any yard or home repairs for an incapacitated neighbor.
41) Work in a friend’s business for a day for free.
42) Donate blood.
43) Donate organs.
44) Routinely change the sheets on an elderly person’s bed.
45) Return any found items to the rightful owner, i.e. driver’s license, wallet, purse, etc.
46) Tell a flustered mom that she's doing a great job.
47) Volunteer at the Red Cross.


  1. love all of these....

    thank you!


  2. I need to print that list off--it is so easy to forget how to give (I hope that makes sense!). THANKS:)

  3. What a great list of "nice" things to do.

  4. I met the sweetest elderly gentleman yesterday at Sam's Club. He had a robotic arm that lifted out a motorized chair from the back of his truck. He was so proud to show off his wheels and to tell how much he loved his mobility they gave him:) Just spending 5 minutes with him made his day....and mine! -LT


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!