Friday, January 29, 2010

10,000 Hits Celebration: Day Four

I hope that you have taken the time to personally participate in some way, shape or form this week. Today we are focusing on a simple but powerful necessity to good mental and physical health. I don't know about you but I am pretty sure that if breathing were not an involuntary action of my body - I would live in a wacky state of breath-holding my entire life.

And I know I am not alone.

I am sure that if you read my post on my "altar of presence" a couple of days ago - you know that I need some sort of physical reminder to do something good for me. In the last few months, I created a new (and as it turns out, powerfully effective) everyday reminder to take a deep breath (which turns out to be a great way to be present at the same time - who would have thought?).

Each time I hug one of my children. I hold on until I take a big, deep breath. Absolutely amazing. It's a habit and I love it.

Take a moment to think about what would help you remember to take some good, deep breaths. And share it with us, if you like!

A BIG thanks to Liz Lamoroux for holding me long enough to take the first breath and whispering sweet nothings in my ear until I actually believed it.

Her retreats are nothing short of life-altering. Be Present Retreats
Her words are nothing short of amazing. Blog
And her scarves are comfy. Etsy

Oh, and I am adding a $20.00 gift card to my shop at ScrapArtist to add to the sure to leave love or share love to get your name in the drawing.


  1. mmm....this is a good one for today.

    today, i need to take deep breaths, find it and hold it.
    okay then i will let it out slowly.
    you have to let it out - right?!

  2. congrats on your shop danielle!

    Breathe hard and fast and make others wonder you have been up to!

  3. Ahhhh.... I so remember that breathing conversation and think of it often! I honestly do find myself consciously remembering to breathe more since then, but I haven't figured out an easy trigger yet like you have. Still workin on it - thanks for the reminder!!!

  4. i remember you sharing that breathing technique with me months ago and i have started to do that as well...

    i still have moments where i hear Liz's sweet voice saying "breathe"....good stuff!

    happy friday!

  5. I always take a deep breath as I kneel in prayer. I think I will also start taking deep breaths as a hug my children as well! Wonderful! :) Beautiful website! :)

  6. Besides my message on fb post, I still have my stones from Manzanita. One in my raincoat and one as a reminder in my room with my Unearth talismans.

    Happy weekend:)

  7. I stopped to pick up some trash that had fallen out of my neighbors trash can. I thought about driving by like everyone else but thought I could help out the earth & be an example to my kids & my 14 year old SIL who is in need of witnessing acts of kindness so she learns them.


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!