Thursday, January 28, 2010

10,000 Hits Celebration: Day Three

So, how's it goin'. I'm good, how about you?  Enough with the chit-chat, let's get on to our day three challenge.  How are you all doing, are you feeling a little proud of yourself for the last two days? I am, I can actually feel my heart lighten. Wasn't Danielle's challenge awesome?  I had never really thought of it that way, you know, purposely identifying a spot to trigger a breathing moment, a moment to appreciate the present. Super cool.  I have a picture of my family right next to my bathroom sink, that's my official breathing space. Where did you decide to put yours?

Today's challenge is a bit more effort than the first day. I want you to purposely notice someone you can bring a goodie, a treat, a snack, something from the vending machine. Of course it's fun to go all-out, but certainly not necessary. You can even leave it anonymously and hide to see their reaction when they find their favorite candy bar on their seat, or their favorite soda just waiting to be claimed. Have a blast... remember, don't over think it. Run on instinct. Just do it when you find the right thing at the right time for the right person.

As far as today's prize...... I've got a stack of five freshly made valentine cards sitting on my desk. And, if I do say so myself, they are delish. If you likey.... be sure to comment with your affirmation of our day three challenge for a virtual ticket for the drawing. Remember that if you post it on your Facebook and/or Blog, you'll get an extra name in the fishbowl for our drawing at the end of the week! Drop us a comment letting us know where you've shared our challenge.

Here's the sweet valentines.... they are left blank
for your own loving words.


  1. My nurse at work sprained her ankle on Monday...she will be the perfect recipient:) TY for the prompt...

  2. My sweet new neighbor just had a baby girl, her first, this past fall and she had mentioned wanting to make a little album for her father when he comes to visit. So today I took one of the little 8x8 albums with the matching container down to her, just for the delight of it. She was so very happy.


Thank you for the Scrappy LOVE!